Rabbits Health

Rabbits Health

What Are Rabbit Ear Mites

What Are Rabbit Ear Mites (Signs, Treatment, and Prevention)

Ear mites are one of the more common health issues that rabbits deal with, especially because of the size and sensitivity of their ears. If your rabbit is scratching at its ear all the time or...
How Many Babies Can A Rabbit Have In A Year

How Many Babies Can A Rabbit Have In A Year?

Saying that rabbits multiply quickly is an understatement. Rabbits owners should be aware of how young their pet rabbits can breed. I suggest that you understand when your rabbit is sexually mature. Actually,I get asked by people...
Why is My Rabbit Farting

Why is My Rabbit Farting?

Some people claim that rabbits can’t fart, but they can certainly get gas built up in their stomach or intestines, causing discomfort and even pain. However, some rabbit owners swear they have heard strange noises or smelled...
Why Is My Rabbit Shaking And Laying Down

Why Is My Rabbit Shaking And Laying Down (18 Reason She/He Is Sick)

Has your rabbit started acting differently recently? Have you noticed weird behaviors or concerning health developments? Your rabbit could be sick. Different symptoms can mean different problems, but all of them are cause for concern. How do I...
Why Is My Rabbit Depressed

Why Is My Rabbit Depressed?

Rabbits get depressed. It surprises many rabbit owners to see their pet acting sad. I suggest you learn the symptoms and causes of depression in rabbits. In fact, I get asked by rabbit owners all the time...