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Rabbit Behavior

Rabbit Behavior

Why is My Rabbit Carrying Straw in His Mouth

Why is My Rabbit Carrying Straw in His Mouth?

If you are the owner of a pet rabbit, then you probably understand how important it is to keep hay, or straw, available to them at all times. You have stocked their cage up with plenty...
Do Rabbits Have Quiet Days

Do Rabbits Have Quiet Days?

Your furry friend is usually full of energy and hopping all over your house. Running around their space, making a variety of noises, and performing jumps of excitement are regular behaviors for your rabbit. One day your...
Why Is My Rabbit Dragging Its Back Legs

Why Is My Rabbit Dragging Its Back Legs?

When a rabbit drags its legs, it’s serious. If you see your rabbit drag one or both legs, don’t wait, take it to the vet right away. In fact, people ask me all the time what causes...
Why Is My Rabbit Not Eating Her Cecotropes

Why Is My Rabbit Not Eating Her Cecotropes

Cecotropes are packed with nutrition. Sometimes rabbits stop eating their cecotropes. I recommend you understand why rabbits stop eating them. In fact, people ask me all the time why their rabbit stopped eating their cecotropes. So, why...
Why Is My Rabbit Not Eating Her Pellets

Why Is My Rabbit Not Eating Her Pellets

Rabbits eat a plant based diet. Rabbits pellets are made to give your rabbit a healthy diet. It’s important you know which pellets are best for your pet rabbit. I get asked all the time by people why...