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Rabbits Health

Rabbits Health

Why My Pet Rabbit Has Fleas How To Get Rid Of Them

Why My Pet Rabbit Has Fleas How To Get Rid Of Them

As many rabbit owners know, pet rabbits need preventative health care just like other pets. Pet rabbits don’t need vaccinations like cats or dogs, but I do suggest that you take your pet rabbit...
Why is My Rabbit Hyperventilating

Why is My Rabbit Hyperventilating?

Rabbits breathe through their noses and should breathe quietly without any loud noises. If you notice your rabbit wheezing, snuffling, or breathing quickly, there could be a serious issue. In a healthy rabbit, you shouldn’t even notice...
Why is My Rabbit Farting

Why is My Rabbit Farting?

Some people claim that rabbits can’t fart, but they can certainly get gas built up in their stomach or intestines, causing discomfort and even pain. However, some rabbit owners swear they have heard strange noises or smelled...
Why is My Rabbit Peeing Blood

Why is My Rabbit Peeing Blood (Red Urine, Symptoms, Solutions)

Rabbit urine can be scary for a new rabbit owner, as it can vary in color and consistency depending on the rabbit’s diet, how much it’s drinking, and other factors. It’s important to know what to...
How To Get A Rabbit To Drink Water

How To Get A Rabbit To Drink Water

There is nothing quite as distressing as seeing your pet rabbit refuse to drink. While it's possible for mammals to live quite some time without food, the same is not true for water. Without...