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Rabbits Facts

Rabbits Facts

Do Rabbits Tails Fall Off

Do Rabbits Tails Fall Off? (Lost, Shed or Bitten, Facts)

Rabbits have distinct characteristics. Their round little body, long back legs, pointed ears and cotton ball tail makes them a kinder, gentler looking wild animal. They look especially cute hopping around your backyard. Of course, I’d recommend you...
Are Bunnies Rabbits Good House Pets

Are Bunnies Rabbits Good House Pets? The Ultimate Guide To First-Time Owners

Rabbits are a popular pet for a wide variety of reasons. Ask any bunny parent and they will sing the praises of their beloved pets until you're convinced. But just because someone else loves...
Do All Rabbits Have White Tails

Do All Rabbits Have White Tails? This May Surprise You

In the wild, rabbits are known for their flashing their fluffy, white tails as they run from predators. Their soft coats and bushy tails have fascinated us for years. While their coat colors vary a little...
What Kind of Noise Does a Rabbit Make

What Kind of Noise Does a Rabbit Make? (Domesticated Pets vs. Wild Animals)

Dogs bark, cats purr, and ducks honk. What about rabbits? Most people assume these animals are quiet, but that’s not entirely true. Rabbits can make lots of noises to express their pleasure and displeasure...
Do Wild Rabbits Eat Carrots

Do Wild Rabbits Eat Carrots?

Whether you grew up with the famous cartoon character Bugs Bunny or heard it some other way, you probably believe rabbits subsist on carrots, right? That’s how they’re always perceived in the media, after all. Is it...