Flying with your pet rabbit isn’t as hard as you might think. But it does require a bit of research on your part. I suggest that you thoroughly explore which airlines allow pet rabbits. In fact, people ask me all the time if I know whether airlines allow pet rabbits to fly with their owners. So, what airlines do allow pet rabbits to fly in the cabin with their owners?
Airlines That Allow Pets In The Cabin
There are several US airlines that allow rabbits in the cabin. Do your research and book your ticket early to guarantee you and your rabbit get a spot on the plane.
Alaska Airlines
- Age limit- You must be at least 18 to travel with your pet rabbit in the cabin on Alaska Airlines.
- Cost- It’s $100 each way for your pet to fly on Alaska Airlines
- Seating restrictions- You can’t sit an emergency exit or the bulkhead area or a seat with an airbag safety belt(usually row 6). First class allows just one pet carrier per flight, the main cabin allows five pet carriers per flight.
- Carrier as a carry on-Your pet carrier counts as your carry one so you are allowed only one more carry on bag.
- Two pets-You can travel with two pet carriers only if you purchased the seat next to you.
- 2 in one carrier– You are allowed 2 pet rabbits if they are similar size in the same carrier as long as the carrier is big enough for them and fits under the seat.
- Stay in carrier-Your pet rabbit must stay inside the carrier, with the door of it closed while you’re in the boarding area or lounge area. Put the carrier under your seat inside the plane during taxi, takeoff and landing.
- Noise or Smells- If your pet rabbit smells or makes a lot of noise, the airline will move to the animal cargo area for the flight.
- Healthy- The airline only permits rabbits in good health. They can refuse to let your pet travel with you due to an injury or if the carrier is too small.
- Under the seat-Your pet rabbit’s carrier must be able to fit under your seat.
Carrier requirements for cabin travel
Type | Carrier size | Dimensions |
Soft sided | 50 | 17” x 11” x 9.5” |
Hard sided | 50 | 17” x 11” x 7.5” |
For your pet to be admitted to the cabin the pet carrier must:
- Meet the size requirements
- Be clean. Must have pads or some kind of leak proof bedding in bottom of carrier.
- Keep your rabbit inside without discomfort.
- Be escape proof
- Not have tears, splits or anything broken on it.
Frontier Airlines
- Cost-The cost is $75 one way which you pay in advance.
- Carry on-Your rabbit’s carrier on is counted as a carry on. You can take one other carry on bag or personal bag.
- Laws- It’s your job to find out any laws,customs, or other governmental regulations and requirements or restrictions of the country or state you’re flying to.
- Health documents-Bring your rabbit’s health documents and a health certificate signed by your vet within 10 days of travel.
- Food-No food or water while your pet is flying in the plane.
- Only in US– Rabbits are only allowed to travel inside the cabin on domestic flights.
- Seating restrictions– You can’t sit in row one or an exit row with a pet.
- Stay in carrier-Your pet rabbit must stay in the carrier at all times.
- Noise-If your rabbit is disruptive you can’t take him out of the carrier.Try other methods to calm him like talking soothingly.
- Sedatives not recommended-Most vets don’t recommend sedating your rabbit since higher altitudes effects are unpredictable.
- In Case Of Emergency-There is no oxygen for pets in case of an emergency
- Noise or smell-Your pet rabbit must not be noisy or smell during the flight.
Carrier requirements for cabin travel:
- Your carrier must be big enough so your pet rabbit can stand up, turn around and lie down.
- Your rabbit carrier should fit underneath the seat in front of you.
- The pet carrier should be no bigger than 18” x 14” x 8”
- Carrier must be soft sided for cabin travel
- Keep pet inside carrier at all times.
United Airlines
- Cost-$125 each way in cabin.
- Call first- United requests you call before booking a ticket, advanced reservations required.
- Limited number-Only 2 to 4 pets are allowed on a flight. Another reason to call several months in advance of your trip to make a reservation.
- Hard carrier-17.5” x 12” x 7.5”
- Soft carriers-18” x 11” x11”
Before you book a ticket on United Airlines, do these things:
- Make reservations for in-cabin pet. You can book it at united.com
- You need to be 18 to bring a pet in the cabin
- You can purchase another ticket for another pet.
- You can’t purchase an extra seat for your pet rabbit if he’s too big for a carrier.
- In case of an emergency, there will be no oxygen for your pet rabbit.
- It’s your responsibility to know the to comply with state entry requirements.
- Your pet rabbit must travel on the same flight as you.
United Airlines travel tips:
- An agent at check in will call you up to receive your pet tag.
- Your rabbit needs stay in his carrier at all times, that included in the airport and on the airplane
- The pet carrier must stay under the seat.
- Carrier door must stay closed and locked at all times
If you are traveling on several airlines during your trip, you’ll need to check their in cabin policy for your pet rabbit. United will only accept in cabin pets on flights operated by United.
United Airlines doesn’t allow pets on flights to, from or through Australia, Hawaii, or New Zealand. Please check to see if your pet rabbit is permitted to your destination before you travel. Rules on international in-cabin pet travel vary. You’ll need to find out about documentation, vaccinations and quarantines.
What Are Some General Rules For All Airlines?
- All airlines say they won’t send your pets through baggage of cargo if outdoor temperatures are too hot or cold. Most say below 10 degrees or above 85 degrees are the limits.
- All airlines have time limits for how long your pet can be on the plane. If you’re on a flights longer than 8 to 12 hours, a layer or a transfer, you’ll need to check with the airline to be sure your pet will be allowed to fly.
- All airline say pets in carriers cost extra even though they are considered a carry on.
- All airlines advice you give your pet food and water four hours before the flight. Most airlines do not permit you to feed or water your pet during the flight.
- Airlines don’t recommend you sedate your pet because the elevation and the sedative could cause your pet health problems.
- All airlines require a proof that your pet can fly. Usually a health certificate signed by your vet within 10 days before you travel is fine. If you’re staying longer than 30 days, you’ll need to get another health certificate before your return trip. If you don’t have these documents, the airlines won’t allow your pet rabbit to fly.
- Airlines say in case of an emergency, they won’t provide oxygen for your pet.
- You must be at least 18 years old to travel with your pet.
- Airlines say check in early if you’re traveling with a pet rabbit. Reserve a spot for your rabbit ahead of time. In cabin is usually first come, first serve since there’s a limited number of pets on each flight.
Lufthansa Airlines
- Cost- It’s extra to bring your pet rabbit on Lufthansa Airlines. The cost will depend upon the route you choose. You will be charged for each flight, returns and stopovers. You can pay to bring your pet at the check-in or at the service counter for Lufthansa.
- Restrictions-It’s your responsibility to find out any regulations and restrictions for your rabbit traveling to other countries well before you book the flight. Lufthansa may enforce regulations and decide not to book certain routes, or ask you to remove your pet rabbit.
- Health certificate- Get health certification documents signed by your vet.
- Two animals– You’re allowed to take two animals in carriers.
- Limited number in cabin-No more than two animals are allowed in the cabin, so you’ll need to reserve your spot ahead of time to guarantee your pet rabbit can fly with you.
- Limited number: No more than two pets in carriers per flight. Book a reservation months ahead for you and your pet.
Before you leave, here are some travel tips from Lufthansa Airlines:
- Be sure your pet rabbit is in an airline approved carrier that will be considered a carry-on.
- Get a health certificate signed by your vet no more than 10 days before, stating your pet is in good health.
- Ask you vet for your pet’s medications, bring them along on the trip.
- Get your rabbit has a pet passport
- Check to be sure that your pet can ride in-cabin on all your flights
- Book your flights and reserved a spot for your pet in the cabin months ahead of time.
- Get two printouts of “Transporting an Animal in the Passenger Cabin” forms and fill them out completely. You’ll turn these in at check-in.
- Be sure your pet carrier meets Lufthansa airlines requirements. Line the carrier with absorbent material like straw, paper or padding. Help your pet rabbit get used to the carrier ahead of time. Put blankets or toy in it for your pet rabbits.
The day you fly:
- Bring your pet rabbit in his carrier to check-in counter two hours before departure.
- Hand over all documents for your pet-pet passport, health certificate from your vet, two fully completed and signed print outs of the “Transporting an animal in the passenger cabin.”
- Have your booking confirmation.
- Pay the cost for your pet
- Make sure your pet rabbit is securely in his carrier.No more than two animals (dog or cat) in the cabin (in an approved transport container) or no more than two animals in the cargo hold (in one or two approved transport containers)
Lufthansa Airlines carrier requirements of cabin travel
- Your pet rabbit should be able to stand, turn around and lie down in his travel carrier.
- The carrier must be secure so there’s no leaks and no escapes.
- Size-22” x 16” x 9”
- The weight of the carrier should not be over 17.6 pounds(8 kilo)
- Line the inside of your rabbit’s carrier with absorbent material like blankets, bedding or padding.No straw, hay or newspapers allowed!
- The pet carrier must fit under the seat in front of you
- Only one pet carrier per individual
Which Airlines Do Not Allow Pet Rabbits In Cabin?
- American Airlines
- Southwest
- Air Canada
- Air France
- Delta
- Jet Blue
Do Rabbits Need A Passport Or Documents?
Pet passports are mandatory if you’re bringing your pet into or out of certain countries. Other documents are also required such as health certificate signed by your vet no more than 10 days before the flight. You can get the health certificate forms from your vet. Some websites have links to the pet passport for your to fill out and give to your vet. Or your vet will probably have the links or forms for you to complete. Plan ahead. Start the documentation process months ahead of time. It always takes longer than you think it will! Once you have your pet passport, your pet rabbit will be free to travel with you through any EU countries.
Rabbits in Cargo Area Is That A Smart Move?
Rabbits can safely fly in the cargo area, if that’s the only available way for your to travel with our pet.
- Rabbits get frightened easily by loud noises. Thye get nervous hearing the garbage disposal let alone a loud airplane engine. The ride in the cargo hold will be stressful. It could be harmful to your pet rabbit’s health if he’s older. He might get diarrhea or become aggressive if he’s scared. So be prepared with treats to coax him out of the carrier once you’ve reached your destination.
- Pet rabbits love their hutch or cage. They tend to not like a lot of excitement. If you’ve taken your rabbit out somewhere he might hide or huddle in his carrier. The airplane cargo hold will be a new experience times ten. If your rabbit has ridden in your car and doesn’t mind the noise of the highway and honking cars, he’ll probably be okay with the constant vibration in the cargo hold.
- If your trip is only a few days, you’ll need to weight the stress upon your rabbit who might take three days to recover from the flight. Is it worth it to take him if the time is so short?
- Of course, some rabbits are avid travelers. Many pet owners have traveled with the rabbits safely tucked away in the cargo hold. Consider what time of the year you’re traveling, if it’s too hot or too cold. Otherwise, follow the airlines requirements for cargo hold traveling for pets.
- Label your carrier well, give your rabbit adequate space in the carrier and be sure he’s healthy for the trip. If you’re taking a short trip,your pet rabbit should do fine in the cargo hold.
There are several airlines that allow pet rabbits to travel with you in the cabin. It’s best to check out the airline you plan to fly with, their requirements and restrictions. There is a cost to take your pet with you in the cabin, it’s different on every airline but they do all charge you for both ways. International flights have special document requirements including a pet passport which you can get from your vet. You are responsible to research what countries want for animals coming into their country. Usually they will ask for a health certificate and pet passport. You’ll also need an airline approved pet carrier. Every airlines has different requirements, the international carriers are a bit bigger than those used in the States.
Taking your pet on a long trip requires lots of planning ahead. You’ll need to book your flights months in advance and be sure to get your rabbit a spot in the cabin with you since usually only a couple of animals are allowed per flight. Once you’ve planned, got everything you need, booked your flight and purchased the carrier for your pet, you’re halfway there. You’ll need to prepare your pet rabbit to be inside his carrier. Take car rides with him so he can get used to noise and vibrations of the car.
If your pet must ride in the airplane cargo hold, consider if it’s really worth it to take him. The stress and fear he might experience might last for a few days after you arrive at your destination. If your trip is short, he might not want to get back into the carrier again so soon. If you’re sure your rabbit is healthy and your flight isn’t too long. You rabbit should do fine in the cargo hold.