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How to Treat a Sick Rabbit

How to Treat a Sick Rabbit

Sometimes your rabbit may get sick for many different reasons. In this situation, your best option is always to take your rabbit to a veterinarian that specializes in rabbits so that it gets the care it...
What Do Wild Rabbits Eat In The Winter

What Do Wild Rabbits Eat In The Winter?

Wild rabbits survive even the harshest winters. If you’re curious about how they survive winters, especially where they get their food, I suggest you read up on the subject. In fact, people ask me on a regular basis...
Can Rabbits Eat Banana Peels

Can Rabbits Eat Banana Peels

Rabbits can eat a number of fruits and can often also eat parts of the fruit that humans cannot or will not eat, such as peels, leaves, stems, and flowers. Rabbits are herbivores, which means that...
How to Train a Rabbit to do Tricks

How to Train a Rabbit to do Tricks

A little-known fun fact about rabbits is that they are very trainable pets. Because rabbits are naturally intelligent animals, they are easy to train using positive reinforcement. All tame bunnies can benefit from proper training. Regardless if...
Best Rabbit Repellent Plants

Best Rabbit Repellent Plants & Natural Homemade Repellent (Useful Guide)

Rabbits cause a lot of damage to gardens and backyards. They’re voracious eaters, often eating plants all the way down to the root. If you’ve seen rabbits in your yard, I suggest you find a natural way...