Rabbits Health

Rabbits Health

Best Rabbit Exercise Equipment

Best Rabbit Exercise Equipment (Playpen Wheel DIY Indoor and Outdoor)

Rabbits are energetic pets. Rabbit owners are often unaware of their rabbit’s need for exercise. I suggest you learn how to provide exercise for your pet rabbit. Actually, I get asked a lot about...
Why is My Rabbit Losing Balance

Why is My Rabbit Losing Balance?

Rabbits are usually pretty agile and don’t need much help getting around. You may be frightened to find one day that your rabbit is losing his balance or can’t seem to stand up. This is usually...
What Are Rabbit Ear Mites

What Are Rabbit Ear Mites (Signs, Treatment, and Prevention)

Ear mites are one of the more common health issues that rabbits deal with, especially because of the size and sensitivity of their ears. If your rabbit is scratching at its ear all the time or...
How to Treat a Sick Rabbit

How to Treat a Sick Rabbit

Sometimes your rabbit may get sick for many different reasons. In this situation, your best option is always to take your rabbit to a veterinarian that specializes in rabbits so that it gets the care it...
Why is My Rabbit Hyperventilating

Why is My Rabbit Hyperventilating?

Rabbits breathe through their noses and should breathe quietly without any loud noises. If you notice your rabbit wheezing, snuffling, or breathing quickly, there could be a serious issue. In a healthy rabbit, you shouldn’t even notice...