Rabbits Food

Rabbits Food

Can Bunnies Eat Gerbil and Hamster Food

Can Bunnies Eat Gerbil and Hamster Food? Owners Beware

All rabbit owners want to ensure our bunnies safety and well-being. What your rabbit eats surely falls into this category. The learning curve involved with becoming a pet owner can be steep at times and we...
Best Grass and Hay For Rabbits

Best Grass and Hay For Rabbits (Price, Type, Benefits)

Pet rabbits have certain dietary needs. I suggest that as a rabbit owner you figure out what your rabbit needs in his diet, especially what kind of fiber he needs. In fact, on a...
Do Rabbits Eat Insects

Do Rabbits Eat Insects (All You Need To Know)

Sometimes, as a special treat, you like to take your rabbit outside to play. You always supervise them, of course. During one of these outdoor play adventures, your rabbit comes across an insect. Will they eat it? As...
Do Wild Rabbits Eat Corn Celery Lettuce Peanuts Apples Asparagus Grass

Do Wild Rabbits Eat Corn, Celery, Lettuce, Peanuts, Apples, Asparagus, Grass, Strawberries and Bird...

Like their domestic rabbit cousins, wild rabbits are herbivores. They eat a wide variety of plants. If you have a garden, it’s good to know which plants wild rabbits like to eat. In fact,...
Can Rabbits Eat Bread

Can Rabbits Eat Bread? Read It Before It Is Too Late

Rabbits are just so cute when they’re begging for food that you may be tempted to give them anything. Or you may be looking for a treat to feed them and only have bread...