Rabbits Facts

Rabbits Facts

Do Rabbits Like To Be Cuddled

Do Rabbits Like To Be Cuddled? Answer May Surprise You

Who can resist snuggling with an adorable, fluffy bunny? I know I can't. But as much as my rabbits love to be handled, pet, and cuddled, I have also seen many domestic rabbits who hate it....
How Long Are Bunnies Pregnant For

How Long Are Bunnies Pregnant For?

The average amount of days bunnies are pregnant for is 31 days.  The amount of days varies depending on the type of rabbit and the litter size, so could be as little as 28 days or...
Do Rabbits Have a Good Sense of Smell

Do Rabbits Have a Good Sense of Smell

Rabbits are known to be alert, and quick creatures. With such keen senses, rabbits are able to act abruptly and escape any trouble that is necessary. Since rabbits have such good senses, some wonder if a...
Do House Bunnies Smell

Do House Bunnies Smell?

Many rabbit owners are worried that their beloved pets may smell bad. And sometimes, this even prevents potential owners from adopting a rabbit in the first place. After all, who wants to bring a...
Do Rabbits Hibernate

Do Rabbits Hibernate?

Rabbits are active animals. They’re most active in the evening and early morning hours all year round, including the winter. I recommend that rabbit owners learn everything they can about what rabbits do during the winter. In...