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Rabbit Behavior

Rabbit Behavior

Do Rabbits Have Quiet Days

Do Rabbits Have Quiet Days?

Your furry friend is usually full of energy and hopping all over your house. Running around their space, making a variety of noises, and performing jumps of excitement are regular behaviors for your rabbit. One day your...
Why Do Rabbits Dig Holes Then Fill Them In

Why Do Rabbits Dig Holes Then Fill Them In?

Rabbits are gonna dig. It’s part of a rabbit’s instinctive nature to dig holes. I recommend you learn why your rabbit digs holes. In fact, I get asked a lot by people why rabbits dig and then...
Why Is My Rabbit Aggressive

Why Is My Rabbit Aggressive? (How to Solve Bad Behavior)

Although rabbits are prey animals, they can still show aggressive and dominant behaviors. Rabbits have a social order just like any other social animal and will enforce that order as well as their territory and their personal...
Why Is My Rabbit Grunting and Clucking

Why Is My Rabbit Grunting and Clucking?

Rabbits make many different noises, and sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish them, or tell what each one means. Rabbits communicate with their owner nonverbally through making all these different sounds. Two common noises rabbits make...
How To Bond With Your Rabbit

How To Bond With Your Rabbit in 21 Different Ways

Can you bond with your rabbit? This is the first question that comes to a rabbit owner’s mind. Is it realistic to think can I bond with my rabbit like I can with my...